....statistics on Europe's EuroMillions Lottery by


The following Table examines the Best 2 STARS Drawn by Year since EuroMillions started.

This is a great Table to see what the best combinations of STARS you might want when picking your numbers. STARS 10 and 11 were only added in 2011 but already they're making a difference in the statistics. 2011 was also the year that a Tuesday Night Draw was added.
In 2016, Star Number 12 was added.

This Table only compares the total times each Best 2 STARS were drawn by Calendar Year.

Frequency by Year

CombosTotalYear 2000s
12231 3212141251
13202312 11 1 11331
1417 31 121114 1 2
152622211213211 43 1
162914213331134 12
172233112 11221131
1827 2151 1 1 482 2
19181 2 112 114212
11013 122222 2
11117 32312312
1129 27
2328 2211 22552 1221
24191 1112 34111111
25232 2211 232115 1
26344133 114472121
27211 21221321321
28271112132 4 14232
292421 22 22111235
21018 121216311
21115 112124211
2128 224
3527122224123211 31
3623 21213 1 131431
373111421123313 3321
38201 113123 11113 1
39362331 342 145242
31017 12315221
31113 222221 2
3123 3
45252121 3123 1234
4618 11 131 132 41
4726 2 21321622122
4819 11 4 12 1 612
492332132 11111 232
4108 2 121 11
41118 263331
4122 11
56144 421 1 2
5724 22 5232 31121
5833422122 41252222
5924 1 13 4162114
51019 1366 2 1
5119 12111111
5124 31
672422311123 122121
6818212 12 3 3211
6921 11321 2 3521
61015 121342 2
6117 1 2 11 2
6124 13
7824 2241 222 251 1
79181213 3 22 21 1
71013 1 2141211
71112 14 31 3
7122 1 1
893221 112344523211
81024 142451511
81117 43212 14
8123 3
91017 36124 1
91118 3332412
9124 31
101112 2122311
10122 2
11124 22

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