....statistics on the Colorado Lotto by

FOR NUMBERS 32 to 42

The following Table examines the Best 2 Numbers Drawn by Year since the Colorado Lotto started in 1989.

Use this Table to pick your numbers since 15 combinations (some with the same number) of the Best 2 Numbers will give you a 6 number combination for your ticket. As an example, check the "Home" page, scroll down and see how the Latest Winning Number is broken down into 15 Best 2 Numbers.

This Table only compares the total times each Best 2 Numbers were drawn by Calendar Year.

Frequency by Year
For Numbers 32 to 42

899091929394959697989900010203040506070809101112131415 1617181920
32336721313 11131213335416213161 3 41
32346311311 251231136251221 121334131
32354922 21212512121223233 141111 1
32365321 2 33311322252222421 221 3
323749122131312 31124 133211113 2 4
32385511511133211131142311 232 2612
323951131111312221 3131333 333121 11
32404221 122 12 234421 41 211112 2
3241511111 23 22324 3 1 226 4 22 52
3242421 1231 32 12 32 21221111213 31
333458111 12 2 3152132222922123121 4
333552 1122 41332 21332 22231132213
3336602 141 12211332533423542 3 3
333762 221 115415312133332411 43222
333851 14 22111 51312235212 1 4115
3339591 1231141112312325253231 1233
3340591 31324 32221 13322222332413 11
334150 121 3151322 11 2 34222142122
334260123241141113214 322212234 4 4
34355222142 3113231 24313214 3 31
34365411314 41113133121 2 21523 3113
343746 14111 22235112211221 2 32 22
343866134213142213 213 12233245 24 5
343967143334334 32314 1 1422413 2231
344059 332161153 22212213422 22 21211
344160132125323123 13331 52 222 1331
344265 32112311 2243245 32351242124
353649 241311121114331211222212 4 1
353749221242 11 112123 2214213322 11
353839 2 1223222 21 1111 3 2 4 421
3539431 1332111 2 222 111 214 245 1
354042 2 21131123 1 2212 2222321211
35414721141121 124 2321261 1 111231
354249131 3123421 2 3234 121222 1 12
363758 2 5112 22233132112543311211211
36385014424212221311 3 22 1 4 1232
3639612312223 35123313236111 41 231
364046 31313121111 31131121 2322 321
36415911253 2 133314 233133114122121
364253 423 11 13223331 2 3 1442 323
373853 41321 43331 1 5 22412132 23
3739561 21 212323 2135223332 523111
374049 31 13 234 14 524 1227 3 1
374153 453211142322 2 3 414 2 1 123
3742501 125 34262 2 331 422 21 1 3
383940131211232 1221 1 2111 12 2 313
384053 1422123221221 33331121132221
384150 1215 24 13211123223114131 21
384238112133 2 212221112 3 131 111
394054221214124112211 232122 2 433 21
394137 211 3213 212 2 3111 4111112
39425321 1331332121221121 1321 132341
404148 12 32214221 13212111313 211311
404251 25 1323312 1321 1 122121422121
414245 2122321131222111 21211213212

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